Neighborhoods Working Together
Make Clearwater
A Wonderful Place To
Live, Work, Play and Visit

Membership Categories
There shall be two categories of CNC membership:
Group Membership ($40)
A.) Any Registered Neighborhood, Homeowners’ Association or Condominium Owners’ Association located within the City of Clearwater may be a Group Member.
B.) Each Group member shall appoint one Representative and an Alternate, however, the association will have only one vote in CNC affairs.
C.) See the CNC Bylaws for additional information.
Individual Membership ($25)
A.) An Individual Membership shall be open to any person who may reside within the confines of the City of Clearwater where there is no registered neighborhood, homeowners’ association or condominium association already as an organized member of the CNC. Only one Individual can represent that neighborhood.
B.) The Individual will have one vote in CNC affairs.
C.) See the CNC Bylaws for additional information.