Clearwater Emergency Management Tool – A Dashboard
Clearwater Neighborhoods Interactive Map
If you would like your neighborhood association listed or would like to update your association’s information, contact the city’s Neighborhoods Coordinator at If your neighborhood does not have an association and you’re interested in starting one, you can get more information and register on the city association registration page.
Code Compliance Map & Inspectors
Clearwater Police Department Districts & Zones
ZOOM Meetings:
Legislative Call to Action
A Weekly Update About Something You Can Do While the Florida Legislature is in Session January 19, 2022 SB 518: Residential Home Protection Background In 2019, the Florida Legislature passed a law that banned local governments from enforcing many of their tree...
Clearwater Greenprint
In 2011, Clearwater Greenprint was adopted through the help of many residents, businesses, and city staff members. Clearwater Greenprint creates a vision to make the city of Clearwater a vibrant community for current residents and future generations. in 2021,...
Murals at Intersections in Clearwater
Neighborhood Services Department of Clearwater's project done in the Skycrest Neighborhood at the intersection of Rainbow Drive and S. Mars Ave. For more about Clearwater's "Paint the Pavement" program use this link For more about Scenic Intersections around our state...
Building Better Neighborhoods Through Home Gardening and Florida Friendly Landscaping
Get signed up NOW! Might fill up! Gardening can be both a hobby and a healthy, rewarding way of life. In this this four-week virtual conference series, you’ll learn secrets from local professionals for growing your own vegetables, fruit, and flowers, and for making...
Landings Project
Here is our discussion board and video on the Landings Project: The Clearwater Neighborhoods Coalition hosted a presentation about the Landings Project. Speakers presented reasons for and against...
Families and Tax Payers Matter
CNC members attending Public Hearing #2 – February 7, 2019