by Sam Richardson | Jan 25, 2022 | Hot Topic, Legislative Call to Action - Home Rule
Years ago, the Florida Legislature passed a law prohibiting local governments from setting up smoke-free areas at public parks and beaches. As ridiculous as it is, Clearwater cannot stop someone from smoking in the dugout of a Little League field. We also can’t keep cigarette butts off our beaches. This is an issue that affects the environment, health, welfare of children, the economy and tourism AND it’s a Home Rule issue.
The Solution
There are two new bills, HB105 and SB 224, that empowers local voices to make local choices about smoking at public parks and beaches. But before the Legislature can make it a law, the bills must go through the committee process.
HB105 passed the House Professions & Public Health Subcommittee on January 25th and now needs to be heard in the Environment, Agriculture & Flooding Subcommittee
SB224 next needs to pass the Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee
How You Can Help
By Friday Jan. 28th, please send two quick emails that say:
I want my city to be able to regulate smoking in public places.
Please put the public smoking bill on your next committee agenda.
Here are the two email addresses:
Thank you for your advocacy!
by Sam Richardson | Jan 25, 2022 | Hot Topic, Legislative Call to Action - Home Rule
A Weekly Update About Something You Can Do While the Florida Legislature is in Session
January 1/25/2022
SB 518: Residential Home Protection
In 2019, the Florida Legislature passed a law that banned local governments from enforcing many of their tree ordinances. This left cities and counties powerless to protect healthy trees from people with less than good intentions. The law led to abuses, including the clear-cutting of land and the removal of healthy trees that presented little, if any, risk to people or buildings. This is a Home Rule issue affecting the environment, the aesthetics of our neighborhoods and our beautiful trees.
The Solution
FL Senate Bill CS/SB 518 puts tree removal and trimming back into the hands of local government; not distant Tallahassee lawmakers.
Next, it must pass in the Senate Government Oversight & Accountability Committee. Lucky for us, a local legislator, Senator Jeff Brandes chairs this committee.
How You Can Help
Please call his local office at 563-2100 and/or send a quick email to say: I want my city to be able to regulate tree removal. Please agenda the bill in Governmental Oversight & Accountability.
Here’s his email address:
Thank you for your advocacy!
by Sam Richardson | Jan 20, 2022 | Archive Topics, Legislative Call to Action - Home Rule
A Weekly Update About Something You Can Do While the Florida Legislature is in Session
January 19, 2022
SB 518: Residential Home Protection
In 2019, the Florida Legislature passed a law that banned local governments from enforcing many of their tree ordinances. This left cities and counties powerless to protect healthy trees from people with less than good intentions. The law led to abuses, including the clear-cutting of land and the removal of healthy trees that presented little, if any, risk to people or buildings. This is a Home Rule issue affecting the environment, the aesthetics of our neighborhoods and our beautiful trees.
The Solution
FL Senate Bill 518, that puts tree removal and trimming back into the hands of local government not distant Tallahassee lawmakers, cleared its first committee yesterday.
Next, it must pass in the Senate Government Oversight & Accountability Committee. Lucky for us, a local legislator, Senator Jeff Brandes chairs this committee.
How You Can Help
Please call his local office at 563-2100 and/or send a quick email to say: I want my city to be able to regulate tree removal. Please put the tree trimming bill on your next committee agenda.
Here’s his email address:
Thank you for your advocacy!
by Sam Richardson | Jan 17, 2022 | Archive Topics
In 2011, Clearwater Greenprint was adopted through the help of many residents, businesses, and city staff members. Clearwater Greenprint creates a vision to make the city of Clearwater a vibrant community for current residents and future generations. in 2021, Clearwater Greenprint 2.0 was published to advance that vision.
The copy of the presentation that was given to the CNC during our meeting is here:
Download a copy of the presentation here.
by Sam Richardson | Jan 16, 2022 | Archive Topics
Neighborhood Services Department of Clearwater’s project done in the Skycrest Neighborhood at the intersection of Rainbow Drive and S. Mars Ave.

For more about Clearwater’s “Paint the Pavement” program use this link
For more about Scenic Intersections around our state and beyond use this link

by Sam Richardson | Jan 16, 2022 | Archive Topics

Get signed up NOW! Might fill up!
Gardening can be both a hobby and a healthy, rewarding way of life. In this this four-week virtual conference series, you’ll learn secrets from local professionals for growing your own vegetables, fruit, and flowers, and for making your grass and landscaping thrive sustainably.
Dates – The first Tuesday of every week in February, from 7:00 pm to 8 p.m.
February 2nd: Here we grow: Whether you grow food or flowers, science can help. Learn how to prepare the soil, water environmentally, use appropriate fertilizer and compost.
February 9th: What nobody ever told you about the birds and the bees: In this session, we will hear from local native plant and ecosystem experts on how you can attract and support pollinators.
February 16th: Where does your garden grow? Whether you live in a private home or an apartment, there’s a gardening option to fit everyone, including patio gardens, community gardens, food forests, school gardens, rain gardens.
February 23rd: An introduction to Florida-Friendly Landscaping. The session will discuss how to select the right plants so that you can protect our precious resources, save money and have an attractive, low maintenance yard. Lead by Doris Heitzman, Florida Friendly Landscaping™ Program Manager at UF/IFAS Pinellas County Extension.
BBN 2021 Series Information Brochure(.pdf)
Visit the Clearwater website for more information:
by Sam Richardson | Jan 16, 2022 | Archive Topics
Here is our discussion board and video on the Landings Project:
The Clearwater Neighborhoods Coalition hosted a presentation about the Landings Project. Speakers presented reasons for and against this project. This was an opportunity to inform yourself about this issue that you will be voting on in the November 2020 election.
Questions to ask presenters were emailed to Thank you for your help with these questions.
• Against – Elizabeth Drayer, Environmental Attorney (Ret.)
• Informational – Bryan Beckman, Vice-Chair Suncoast Sierra Club, Florida Chapter, Suncoast Group
• For – Brigiia Shouppe – Strategic Communications
• For – Kyle Parker – B2Communications
Informational Links
2020 Clearwater Neighborhoods Coalition Landings Presentation Package
Clearwater Greenprint
Clearwater Economic Development Plan
City Council Discussion – “Redevelopment of the Landings Golf Course Site”
by Sam Richardson | Jan 13, 2022 | Candidates
In preparation for the March 15, 2022 election, the Clearwater Neighborhoods Coalition (CNC) will host a public forum to learn about six candidates competing citywide for two city council positions. The event will be held via Zoom video on Monday, January 24 at 7 p.m.
Candidates vying for election will include: David Albritton, Maranda Douglas and Gerry Lee, (seat 4); Aaron Smith Levin, Lina Teixeira and Jonathan Wade (seat 5). Questions from the audience may be submitted in advance. For more information and to submit questions go to:
Register in advance for this webinar at this link or by scanning the QR code:
P.O. Box 8204, Clearwater, Fl 33758-87204
Media Release
Date: January 12, 2022
For release: January 12-23, 2022
Contact: Kelly Kelly, CNC Secretary, 727- 724-4949